La Bonbonniere Prod

Spécialiste son · France
À propos de

Sa description

Hi there! We are La Bonbonniere Prod! We support artists in their artistic projects, from musical creation with our studios (composition, arrangement, recording, mixing, mastering) to the development of the project itself with our workshops in artistic direction, promotion, video clips, photos, and connections with record labels. We have also launched a music school to help artists develop their skills: singing, guitar, piano, MAO... We are based in Paris and Aix-en-Provence, and about ten people work among us as producers, sound engineers, label artistic directors, and school coaches. We are really here to help all artists, whether you are in the first steps of launching your project and want a roadmap to progress and grow, or if you are already more advanced and want to take your project to the next level!
Voir plus
Elle·il veut principalement recevoir...
  • Genres
    Commercial / Mainstream
    Dance pop
    Nouvelle scène
    Pop rock
    Rap francais
    Chanson Française / Variété
  • Ambiance
Elle·il est ouvert à recevoir également...
  • Caractéristiques
    Mauvaise qualité sonore
    Tous supports
Elle·il ne veut surtout pas recevoir...
  • Genres
    Death / Thrash
    Metal / Heavy metal
Pas sûr·e du genre de ton morceau ? Jette un œil à nos descriptifs des genres musicaux !

Ses services

1- Tips to enhance the project (music, mix, artistic direction, etc.) 2- 1-hour consultation/workshop to develop the project and establish a roadmap 3- Studio session to work on the musical project 4- Facilitation of connections with relevant music industry professionals and recommendations.
Donner des conseils avisés / détaillés

Il/elle est à la recherche de…

  • Paroles en anglais et français
  • artistes Français·e·s
  • Morceaux pas encore sortis et morceaux déjà sortis

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