Jonnica's Jams

Média / Journaliste · Canada
À propos de

Sa description

Jonnica’s Jams is a music discovery and curation blog founded in 2023 by Jonnica Hill, a lifelong music fan and recent graduate of the Music Business post-graduate program at Toronto’s Humber College. Primarily based on Instagram, at @jonnicasjams, Jonnica’s Jams includes playlist curation, new music updates, artist features, album reviews and more. Jonnica is passionate about supporting emerging and independent artists and focuses on curating a scrapbook-like blog of recommendations and features. In the last year, Jonnica’s Jams has received more than 250 artist submissions for press coverage or playlist placement. The blog is mainly seeking music that falls into genres such as pop, indie, indie rock, folk & singer-songwriter!
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Genres qu’il/elle accepte le plus

Indie pop
Indie folk
Indie rock
Pop rock
Elle·il veut principalement recevoir...
  • Genres
    Dream pop
    Indie folk
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
    Pop rock
    Pop soul
    Urban pop
  • Ambiances
    Good vibes
    Univers fort
  • Caractéristiques
    Guitare acoustique
    Guitare électrique
    Production professionnelle
    Disponible sur Spotify
    Présent sur les réseaux
    Artiste entouré
    Artiste indépendant
    Jeunes talents
Elle·il est ouvert à recevoir également...
  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Commercial / Mainstream
    Dance pop
    Pop punk
Elle·il ne veut surtout pas recevoir...
  • Genres
    Classical music
    Death / Thrash
    Jazz expérimental
    Hard rock
    Musique de noël
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Psychedelic rock
Pas sûr·e du genre de ton morceau ? Jette un œil à nos descriptifs des genres musicaux !

Ses services

Jonnica is passionate about featuring emerging artists through social media posts (Instagram), short blog articles and playlist placement (Spotify), The Fresh Discoveries segment is a regularly updated playlist with related social media posts highlighting recent discoveries (new & old) that deserve more attention! The Fresh Jams segment consists of a playlist and related social & blog posts highlighting the best new music releases each week. Jonnica also posts album and artist features and curates a range of playlists inspired by various moods - even fruits (yep, you heard that right!). The “Fruity” playlist series is a fresh take on the idea of seasonal or colour-based playlists, aimed at capturing the moods associated with flavours.
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Il/elle est à la recherche de…

  • Paroles en anglais
  • Des artistes de tous les coins du monde
  • Morceaux pas encore sortis et morceaux déjà sortis

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143 feedbacks réalisés Depuis son inscription
31% taux de réponse 30 derniers jours
40% taux d'opportunité 12 derniers mois
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