Indie Suburbano

Journaliste · Équateur
À propos de

Sa description

I am the manager of Indie Suburbano, a social media platform dedicated to independent music. As a music journalist, my job is to discover and showcase new independent artists and share their music with our online community. I strongly believe in the importance of supporting independent artists, as they bring diversity and creativity to the music industry. That's why I intend to help artists gain exposure by offering them a platform to showcase their work. We are also developing partnerships with independent record labels to provide collaboration opportunities to the artists we feature. We have also planned to organize live events to promote independent music. Ultimately, my goal is to introduce talented and underestimated artists to our online community and help them reach a wider audience. I am passionate about independent music and hope that our platform will help support and encourage its growth.
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Genres qu’il/elle accepte le plus

Alternative rock
Indie pop
Indie rock
Dance pop
Elle·il veut principalement recevoir...
  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Bossa nova
    Chill / Lo-fi Hip-Hop
    Cloud Rap / Hip Hop
    Drum and Bass
    House music
    Indie pop
    K-pop / J-pop
  • Ambiances
  • Caractéristiques
    Tous supports
    Disponible sur Spotify
    Potentiel international
Elle·il est ouvert à recevoir également...
  • Genres
    Musique asiatique
    Dance music
    Death / Thrash
    Electronic rock
    Garage rock
    Hard rock
    Rap francais
Elle·il ne veut surtout pas recevoir...
  • Genre
    Country Americana
Pas sûr·e du genre de ton morceau ? Jette un œil à nos descriptifs des genres musicaux !

Il/elle veut recevoir des morceaux d’artistes similaires à…

Ses services

As the manager of Indie Suburbano, we are committed to helping artists gain exposure and reach in their music careers. To do this, we offer a variety of tools and strategies, including interactive posts on our social media channels such as memes and short videos. These posts help to keep our online community engaged and interested, which in turn helps our artists gain more exposure and attract new followers. Additionally, we work to ensure that our posts are shared across different platforms so that our artists' audience is as wide as possible. We are dedicated to supporting independent artists at all stages of their career and look forward to helping them achieve their goals. If you are an independent artist seeking exposure and reach, please reach out to us and we will work together to find the best way to promote your work.
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux

Il/elle est à la recherche de…

  • Des paroles dans n’importe quelle langue
  • Des artistes de tous les coins du monde
  • Morceaux pas encore sortis uniquement

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Taux de réponse élevé Ce média / pro est très actif en ce moment, en faisant des retours à plus de 90% des morceaux reçus
Taux de partage élevé Ce média / pro accepte plus de 15% des morceaux reçus

Activité Groover
365 feedbacks réalisés Depuis son inscription
95% taux de réponse 30 derniers jours
74% taux d'opportunité 12 derniers mois
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