Geno Moy

Playlist · Chili
À propos de

Sa description

I've been a music lover since always, I dedicate a big part of my time to curate playlists, and I have them in many styles and moods. I love Classical and Neo-Classical music, Jazz and instrumental music, alternative music and Indie Folk. My soul mate is a great composer, so I know the ins and outs of a musician's life up close. I mainly look for good and honest music, with memorable melodies, that make me feel a deep emotion whatever its nature, and that above all is created with love and passion. I can guarantee that I will listen to your whole song to feel and extract all its details, I am also passionate about writing, so I guarantee you a decent feedback, in which I will be as honest and detailed as possible. I am an empathetic and kind person, and although I can't commit that I will love every single one of your works, you will never find in my feedback anything that seeks to hurt your feelings, only the desire for your music to improve, that's a promise. My ultimate dream as a music curator is to have enough playlists on my profile that I never find myself in the obligation to reject a good musical work just because it doesn't fit. For the moment I commit to share the pieces that I like and fit in my playlist "Classical Romance | Romantic Classical Music" But don't forget that I'm a music lover and even if I can't always share your song in my main Playlist, you can always gain a listener. Geno
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Genres qu’il/elle accepte le plus

Néo / Modern Classical
Piano Solo
Classical music
Musique de film
Elle·il veut principalement recevoir...
  • Genres
    Classical music
    Musique de film
    Néo / Modern Classical
    Piano Solo
  • Ambiances
    Good vibes
  • Caractéristiques
    Guitare acoustique
    Morceaux finis
    Production professionnelle
    Format radio
    Disponible sur Spotify
Elle·il est ouvert à recevoir également...
  • Genres
    Musique de noël
    Modern jazz
    Musique traditionnelle
  • Ambiances
    Univers fort
Elle·il ne veut surtout pas recevoir...
  • Genres
    Dancehall / Reggaeton
    Death / Thrash
    Hard rock
    Melodic metal
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Pop punk
    Punk Rock
Pas sûr·e du genre de ton morceau ? Jette un œil à nos descriptifs des genres musicaux !

Ses services

Adding the Songs that I like and fit in my playlist: Classical Romance | Classical Romantic Music. Writing decent feedback Being a Potential Listener
Ajouter à une playlist
Partager sur les réseaux sociaux
Donner des conseils avisés / détaillés

Il/elle est à la recherche de…

  • Morceaux instrumentaux exclusivement
  • Des artistes de tous les coins du monde
  • Morceaux pas encore sortis et morceaux déjà sortis

Vérifié par Groover

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Bon à savoir
Taux de réponse élevé Ce média / pro est très actif en ce moment, en faisant des retours à plus de 90% des morceaux reçus
Taux de partage élevé Ce média / pro accepte plus de 15% des morceaux reçus

Activité Groover
127 feedbacks réalisés Depuis son inscription
100% taux de réponse 30 derniers jours
19% taux d'opportunité 12 derniers mois
L'envoi d'un morceau à ce média pro coûte