Lalouline Publishing

Publisher · France


Lalouline is a Publishing company: Protection of works, copyrights, verification of SACEM records, radio broadcasts, TV, internet, press. Lalouline's role is to support artists in their development and professionalization. But his first role is to introduce the public to good music
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Genres accepted most often

Chanson Française/Variété
Nouvelle scene
They want to receive...
  • Genres
    Dance pop
    Indie pop
    Nouvelle scene
    Pop rock
    Singer songwriter
    Chanson Française/Variété
  • Attributes
    Young talent
They don't want to receive...
  • Genre
    Death / Thrash
Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet!


Protection of works, copyrights, verification of SACEM statements, radio broadcasts, TV, internet, press. Lalouline's role is to support artists in their development and professionalization.
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They’re looking for...

  • Lyrics in any language
  • Artists from any country/region
  • Unreleased tracks and released tracks

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Good to know
High answer rate They are very active currently, giving feedback to more than 90% of received tracks

Activity on Groover
3098 answers given Since signing up
100% answer rate Last 30 days
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