Bio and how they support artists
I'm a blogger looking for Slap House and Metalcore tracks. Please provide a full EPK press release (at least 250 words) if you would like to be featured! Thanks!
An on-again-off-again music blogger since 2005. My first music blog took up just a tiny corner of a new, local tv station's website. I was supposed to focus on speaking my mind about the stupidity of society, but then my friends in local bands started sharing their shows on MSN Messenger. Yes, I aged myself there. This is when I decided to use the platform I had to share their shows and new music.
Fast forward a few years, I was known as "Jersey Girl In Canada" on a Toronto-based online radio station that was called Jamsterdam Radio. I went to local shows and asked bands if they wanted to do interviews via voice notes on my phone. Sometimes, I had bands who provided anticlimactic one-word answers, so I gave up interviewing for the most part and focused on reviewing. After the radio days, I worked on tour with bands in the U.S., came back to Canada, and started my own music blog, which you see today. I cover songs from artists of all levels, all genres - as long as I dig the tune!
If approved for blog coverage, please note I take a few weeks to publish write-ups, as I do work as a Publicist/SEO/SMM during the day, and I prefer to write mindful reviews when I share music on my blog. I also have an online radio station, Hypernova Radio, which focuses on EDM and Hard Rock! That being said: upon approval, please provide a press release with some background on the artist and song in order to beef up reviews.
Wishing you a successful campaign!
- Krys
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