La radio des Francais dans le monde

Radio station · France

Bio and how they support artists

Welcome to The radio of expatriates around the world, 24th most listened to French radio in the world (Audience certified by the ACPM - June 2024). Flash Expat, Practical information, sharing of experience, follow-up of adventure, reporting of news via our network of correspondents, expatriation experts... The radio station is open to French expatriates coming from the 4 corners of the world. This radio, which is programmed 24 hours a day, is accessible online; on iTunes, on TV boxes, on Radio bouquet platforms, and on mobile applications (free FRANCAISDANSLEMONDE app on the Apple Store and on Google Play for Android), Alexa... This radio aims to create links between the 3 million French expatriates and to offer them “a piece of France” in an optimistic and caring tone. Every day, more than thousands of French people abroad follow us either live or in replay on The radio website ( offers a selection of several hundred podcasts by geographical area or theme. You will also find all the radio programs there as well as detailed information concerning each appointment. The podcasts of the sections broadcast on the air are available on the radio website, on Apple Podcast, Deezer & Google Podcast. The COCORICOPOP show (5 times 30 minutes 7 days a week) featuring the new French POP wave! CONTACT :
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Genres accepted most often

Chanson Française/Variété
Nouvelle scene
Indie pop
Pop rock
They want to receive...
  • Genres
    International pop
    Nouvelle scene
    Chanson Française/Variété
They are also open to receiving...
  • Genres
    Dance pop
    Deep house
    French house
    Indie rock
They don't want to receive...
  • Genres
    Classical music
    Country music
    Death / Thrash
    Experimental jazz
    Jazz fusion
    Melodic metal
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Modern jazz
  • Mood
Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet!

They want to receive music similar to…


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They’re looking for...

  • Lyrics in French
  • Artists from any country/region
  • Unreleased tracks and released tracks

Verified by Groover

Good to know
Note from Groover This curator/pro tends to not detail their feedback, but can have a strong impact if they share your track or get in touch with you

Activity on Groover
1650 answers given Since signing up
66% answer rate Last 30 days
12% opportunity rate Last 12 months
Sending a track to this curator pro costs