Putra Pande, widely known as "BRUTALSICK", is a seasoned figure in the global Rock and Metal community with a passion that has burned strong since 1986. As a dedicated 'Music Curator', 'Social Media Manager', and 'Radio DJ' at 1921 Baliheadbanger Online Radio, he brings decades of experience and deep knowledge of the underground music scene to the forefront.
Pande's journey began with pioneering contributions to Indonesia's Extreme Metal movement. In the late '90s, he founded the country's first webzine, *Indogrinder*, later evolving into *BLOODYORGASM.COM* – a pivotal platform for Death Metal, Grindcore, and Goregrind worldwide. His commitment to supporting underground artists and labels is unwavering, having assisted numerous bands and labels with website development and promotions over the years.
At 1921 Baliheadbanger Online Radio, Pande curates a relentless stream of Rock and Metal 24/7, spotlighting emerging talent and established acts alike. His expertise in music selection, combined with his role as a social media manager, ensures that bands receive the exposure they deserve on a global scale.
With a lifetime immersed in Extreme Metal, Putra Pande remains an unstoppable force in the scene. His ability to connect with artists, unearth groundbreaking music, and amplify voices in the underground makes him a trusted and respected curator. Whether you’re an aspiring artist or a die-hard fan, Putra Pande’s curation is where passion meets precision, delivering the raw energy of Rock and Metal straight to your ears.
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