Rota Indie SP

Media Outlet/Journalist · Brazil

Bio and how they support artists

🇧🇷 Oie, nós somos o Rota Indie SP, um projeto musical brasileiro criado em 2022 por jornalistas para divulgar artistas independentes e da cena alternativa. Na nossa página do Instagram, realizamos resenhas, divulgações de shows e muito mais! Por aqui, procuramos descobrir sons novos e fornecer um feedback realista e construtivo para o artista que se encaixar no nosso estilo. E, quem sabe até divulgá-lo nas nossas redes sociais! 🇺🇸 Hi, we are Rota Indie SP, a music project created by journalists in 2022 based in Brazil. Our goal is to promote independent and alternative artists in social media. On our Instagram page, we post reviews, concerts, and much more! Here, we aim to discover new sounds and provide realistic and constructive feedback for artists who fit our style. And who knows, we might even feature them on our social media!
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Genres accepted most often

Indie rock
Alternative rock
Indie pop
Indie folk
Singer songwriter
They want to receive...
  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Brazilian music
    Experimental rock
    Garage rock
    Indie folk
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
    Psychedelic pop
  • Moods
They are also open to receiving...
  • Genre
    Indie Dance
  • Moods
    Meaningful lyrics
  • Attribute
    Available on Spotify
They don't want to receive...
  • Genres
    Children's music
    Classical music
    Commercial / Mainstream
    Death / Thrash
    Deep house
    Electro Jazz / Nu Jazz
    Film music
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Nouvelle scene
    French rap
Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet!


🇧🇷 Nosso objetivo é conhecer artistas novos que façam parte da cena independente e do gênero alternativo. Oferecemos um feedback realista e construtivo para o artista, e se curtimos o som - e ele apresentar compatibilidade com o nosso perfil - podemos combinar uma forma de divulgação no nosso perfil do Instagram. 🇺🇸 Our goal is to discover new artists who are part of the independent scene and the alternative genre. We offer realistic and constructive feedback to the artist, and if we like the sound – and it aligns with our profile – we can arrange a way to promote it on our Instagram profile.
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They’re looking for...

  • Lyrics in English and Portuguese
  • Artists from any country/region
  • Unreleased tracks and released tracks

Verified by Groover

Good to know
High answer rate They are very active currently, giving feedback to more than 90% of received tracks
High sharing rate They give opportunities to more than 15% of the tracks they receive

Activity on Groover
66 answers given Since signing up
98% answer rate Last 30 days
37% opportunity rate Last 12 months
Sending a track to this curator pro costs