Bio and how they support artists Since 2013, Eeuphonious has been supporting small artists in the Ambient, Future Garage, and the Wave scene. +236k subscribers and +`106M views. 7000 followers · 1521 followers · · They want to receive... Genres Ambient Chill out Experimental electronic Moods Chill Downbeat Melancholic Dreamy Relaxing They don't want to receive... Genres Chill / Lo-fi Hip-Hop Commercial / Mainstream Dance music Indie folk Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Burial Vacant Phelian Sorrow Nuages Andy Leech Antent Services Sharing your music on our YouTube channel with a large audience who share the same interest in music Share on my channel They recently gave these artists opportunities sentinel longfade Shared on channel They’re looking for... Lyrics in any language Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music curators/pros for Germany Top youtube/twitch channels for electronic Top electronic curators/pros from Germany Top youtube/twitch channels for chill out Verified by Groover Learn more Good to know (Very) selective They share fewer than 4% of received tracks Very impactful They are known for having a strong visibility impact on the artists they share or meet Top curator/pro Part of the "Top curator/pro" program. You can contact them for 4+ Grooviz More info Certified YouTube channel The Groover team has verified the editorial quality and the impact of this channel Activity on Groover 263 answers given Since signing up 65% answer rate Last 30 days 1% opportunity rate Last 12 months