Bio and how they support artists Caravela Records is a Brazilian record label that enjoys bringing a variety of sounds and styles to the world. Caravela Records é um selo brasileiro que ama lançar uma grande variedade de sons e estilos pelo mundo 5028 followers · 630 followers · 110 followers Genres accepted most often Alternative rock Indie rock Pop rock Indie pop Rock & Roll / Classic Rock They want to receive... Genres Alternative rock Brazilian music Indie folk Indie pop Indie rock Pop rock Rock & Roll / Classic Rock Mood Indie They are also open to receiving... Genres African music Classical music Deep house Garage rock Hip-hop Metal / Heavy metal Modern jazz Nu-disco Oriental music Soul They don't want to receive... Genre Christian music Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet! They want to receive music similar to… Aline Vivas Barba Ruiva Claudio Lyra Playmoboys Services I can show your songs in my Instagram profile (feed and stories) so that people can enjoy and follow you Add to a playlist Share on social networks They recently gave these artists opportunities Sweet Innocence Kaciny Added to a playlist Daddy Bird Added to a playlist Satellite Neon Bird Added to a playlist Strength Campbell McNeil Added to a playlist They’re looking for... Lyrics in any language Artists from any country/region Unreleased tracks and released tracks This curator/pro is part of... Top music labels from Brazil Top labels for pop Top pop curators/pros from Brazil Top labels for indie pop Top labels for alternative rock Top labels for indie rock Verified by Groover Learn more Good to know High sharing rate They give opportunities to more than 15% of the tracks they receive Activity on Groover 1881 answers given Since signing up 82% answer rate Last 30 days