Capivara Alternativa

Media Outlet/Journalist · Brazil

Bio and how they support artists

🇧🇷: Somos um portal de entretenimento fundado em 2023, com foco em música, filmes, cultura geek e games. Apesar do site possuir apenas 1 ano, nossos profissionais têm anos de experiência na indústria musical, e nos unimos com a missão de criar um espaço de comunicação e interação, livre de padrões, preconceitos, julgamentos. Afinal, existe animal mais paz e amor do que a capivara? Nossa equipe de especialistas tem uma visão bastante abrangente da indústria criativa, descobrindo música de várias partes do mundo, e com contatos na indústria fonográfica dos principais hubs mundiais: Brasil, Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, dentre outros. Nosso principal compromisso é oferecer um feedback honesto, empático e construtivo. Alguns membros da nossa equipe são também músicos independentes, por isso, entendemos bem as complexidades do processo de lançamento de um single. Dar tudo de si em um projeto musical e divulgá-lo para o mundo pode ser um processo assustador por si só, você não precisa que a negatividade de alguém seja outra fonte de estresse. Viemos ajudar da forma mais acolhedora possível. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🇬🇧: We are a news outlet established in 2023 focused in music, films, geek and game culture. Even though we've not been around for long, our professionals have years of experience in the music industry, coming together with the mission to create a space for communication and interaction free from standards, prejudice, and judgment. After all, is there a more chill and peace-loving animal than the capybara? Our team of experts have quite a comprehensive overview of the music industry worldwide, having discovered songs from many parts of the globe over the years, and garnered contacts in industry's main hubs: the USA, UK, Brazil, and beyond. We promise to offer you honest, empathetic and constructive feedback. Our main commitment is to provide honest, empathetic, and constructive feedback. Some members of our team are also independent musicians, so we understand the complexities involved in releasing a single. Putting everything into a musical project and sharing it with the world can be daunting enough on its own—you don't need someone’s negativity to add to the stress. We're here to help in the most welcoming way possible.
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Genres accepted most often

Indie rock
Indie pop
Pop rock
Alternative rock
Commercial / Mainstream
They want to receive...
  • Genres
    Alternative rock
    Brazilian music
    Commercial / Mainstream
    Indie folk
    Indie pop
    Indie rock
    Pop Punk
    Pop rock
    Punk Rock
They are also open to receiving...
  • Genres
    Bass music
    Canzone Italiana
    German song
    Lofi bedroom
    Metal / Heavy metal
    Pop soul
    Singer songwriter
    Chanson Française/Variété
They don't want to receive...
  • Genres
    Acid house
    Afro House / Amapiano
    Chill / Lo-fi Hip-Hop
    Cloud Rap / Hip Hop
    Country music
    Death / Thrash
    Film music
    Industrial music
    Instrumental hip-hop
    International rap
    Rap in English
    French rap
    Solo Piano
  • Attribute
Not sure which genre(s) suits your music style? Check out our genres cheatsheet!

They want to receive music similar to…


🇧🇷: Se acharmos que seu estilo musical combina com a linha editorial do nosso site, podemos oferecer: - Incluir você em nossa lista de recomendações, divulgada com frequência em nosso site, onde destacamos os principais lançamentos independentes recentes em todo o mundo; - Marcar você em nossas redes sociais (o que acontece sempre que você aparece em nosso site, pois as matérias são convertidas resumidamente para vídeo, em nosso perfil do Instagram/Tik Tok @capivaraalternativa). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🇬🇧:If we find that your musical style aligns with the editorial direction of our site, we can offer: - Including you in our list of recommendations, which is frequently featured on our website, highlighting the latest independent releases from around the world; - Tagging you on our social media (which happens whenever you are featured on our site, as the articles are also summarized into videos on our Instagram/TikTok profiles @capivaraalternativa).
Give detailed advice / feedback
Do an interview
Write an article
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They’re looking for...

  • Lyrics in any language
  • Artists from any country/region
  • Unreleased tracks and released tracks

Verified by Groover

Good to know
High answer rate They are very active currently, giving feedback to more than 90% of received tracks

Activity on Groover
623 answers given Since signing up
91% answer rate Last 30 days
13% opportunity rate Last 12 months
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